This is the 5th Expo of 2021 that Synthesit exhibits at after successful expos in Dubai (UAE), Guangzhou (China), Philadelphia (USA) and Geneva (Switzerland).
Rejuvenating effect of Synthesit on the body has been scientifically confirmed.
Synthesit suppresses cancer cell growth.
Synthesit preserves your health and makes you feel young again.
An increase in the number of stem cells by 2.45 times has been scientifically proven.
Synthesit is a breakthrough opportunity for boosting energy levels of your whole body.
Many athletes have managed to win competitions and improve their records thanks to the high effect of this mineral and the complete absence of side effects.
We are happy to announce that we took part in Life Stage Conference at Vitafoods Europe 2021 Expo in Geneva, Switzerland.
The fame of the bioactive mineral has gone far beyond the borders of Russia and Europe and reached the USA.
Synthesit is known for providing an energy boost, increasing vitality and endurance, accelerating healing and improving tissue regeneration.
Synthesit helpt om leeftijdsgerelateerde waarden van bloedbiochemie tot 40% te verlagen (Alt, Ast, Cholesterolspiegels).
Uit wetenschappelijke gegevens blijkt dat Synthesit het aantal stamcellen met 2,45 keer verhoogt.
Synthesit verdubbelt de activering van het anti-verouderingsgen Klotho.
Wetenschappelijke studies hebben aangetoond dat het genetische mechanisme van de werking van Synthesit de algehele gezondheid handhaaft en de jeugd verlengt.
Een lang leven in de wereld van vandaag is het meest begeerde doel voor een modern persoon.